Alkaline vs. Acidic: What it’s all about


Why not try to change your morning routine and try replacing your daily coffee with a warm lemon, ginger and cayenne water: Ingredients:

  • 1 cup water
  • 1-inch fresh ginger root, thinly sliced
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • Dash of cayenne pepper

Before you completely dismiss the idea, read below: Lemon promotes alkalinity* in the body and kickstarts the liver for the day, encouraging the release of digestive fluids, while the cayenne and ginger warm-up your stomach, boost your metabolism and circulation.


What is “Alkalinity” and Why is it Important for the Body?

pH is measured on a scale ranging from 0 to 14, with 0 as the acid end, 14 as the alkaline end, and 7 being neutral. Being alkaline is the body’s healthy, natural state. It functions optimally when pH blood levels are slightly alkaline, around 7.4. While a natural metabolic process works to keep these levels balanced, an unhealthy diet can cause the body’s pH to acidic levels. Consequence: the body is out of balance. Worse, it reacts to excess acidity by creating new fat cells to absorb the acid.

Foods like leafy veggies, citrus fruits and spicy peppers create an alkaline environment in the body while caffeine, dairy, red meat, processed grains and fried foods require the body to use acidic processes. In order to create an acid neutral balance in your body, combine the acid promoting foods with the alkaline ones and incorporate in general more alkalizing foods into your diet. Here’s a chart of alkalizing vs. acidifying foods from . The more alkaline, the better it is for you to eat.

Stay alkaline!

Sarah x

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