Superfoods 101

Superfoods have become “trendy” in the health world. Some people swear by them, others are reluctant to believe in their “super powers”. We tend to use superfoods a lot in the Fitnut Kitchen, and recent inspiration by David Wolfe has opened our eyes to more superfoods and their many benefits. […]

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Pregnant and Fit?

Pregnant and fit? Definitely easier said and imagined than done! When I first found out I was pregnant, I was so excited to embark on a new journey, including a new health & fitness regime well-suited for pregnancy. Of course I immediately started researching the right/good/recommended foods to eat and […]

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Probiotics and Fermented Foods

Feeling out of whack and complaining of digestive issues, Tracy introduced me a few months back to Probiotics. Ever since, articles and social media posts on the many benefits of probiotics have been everywhere! So what are probiotics? How are they beneficial? How can we incorporate them in our diets? […]

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