Health & Fitness During Ramadan: A Round-up of our Favourite Articles & Instagram Accounts

Ramadan is here! And while everyone is excited about this time of year, we also tend to get a little bit anxious about changing up our eating and exercising routine, especially with the abundance of traditional Ramadan dishes and sweets that can’t always be resisted! Not to mention the lack of energy and perhaps dehydration caused by this year’s scorching heat.

Over a week has passed however, and many of us have managed to pace ourselves and set specific routines that work for our bodies and lifestyles. But perhaps, some of us are still scrambling to find the right balance between food, exercise and enough rest.

Worry not, fellow Fitnuts! We’ve rounded up some useful tips guaranteed to help you all, whether you are just looking for food inspiration, are diabetic and need advice, wondering if you should fast while pregnant, and of course ways you can keep up your fitness regimen in the next 3 weeks.

Before we get to those articles, we highly recommend you read our Ramadan article from last year Stay on Top of Your Fitnut Goals this Ramadan, written with the help of Personal Trainer and Nutritionist Cathleen Fitzgerald-Graham, to understand how best to fuel your body during this month and stay healthy.


For more, read on:

1) First off, here are some quick answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Ramadan and Fasting e.g who should and shouldn’t fast, fasting with a medical conditions, etc.


2) How to Benefit From Fasting

Informative and short, this is a great article from the NHS website explaining what your body goes through during Ramadan fasting as well as the many benefits of fasting for our health, for weight loss, diabetes and cholesterol management, etc….

… as long as we remember: “The way to approach your diet during fasting is similar to the way you should be eating outside Ramadan,” says Dr Mahroof. “You should have a balanced diet, with the right proportion of carbs, fat and protein.”


3) Healthy Eating and Exercising During Ramadan

Another article by the NHS, this one focuses on what best to eat and avoid when breaking the fast, as well as cooking dos and don’t.

This article from The National provides knowledge from UAE-based experts on how our bodies react to fasting as well as tips on how best to break our fast and, what to eat and when. The article also provides tips on exercising during the Holy month.

Trying to stick to a specific diet this Ramadan? Whether paleo, vegetarian, vegan or other, the Fitness Dorks have the perfect Iftar plate for you. So don’t stress and enjoy your meal!

  • Fitness Fans in UAE Talk About Sticking to Their regimens even during Ramadan, 18 June 2015:

We believe there is not one right way to go about Ramadan the healthy way. This article documents a number of athletes’ Ramadan routines.


5) Fasting with Diabetes


6) Fasting During Pregnancy

Is fasting safe for the baby? Is fasting safe for the mother? The following articles give insights and differing opinions. Note however that all pregnancies are different. If you do decide to fast this Ramadan, we highly advise you check with your doctor first.


7) Social Media Accounts to Follow

  • @FitnutUAE Of course on both Instagram and twitter! J We will be posting recipes, tips and useful articles on a daily basis throughout the month so make sure you follow us, and don’t forget to tag us #fitnutuae to share your healthy Ramadan with the rest of the FitNut community. We all need inspiration and motivation! 
  • @HEALTHY__RAMADAN – Healthy Ramadan Recipes (Insert pic). I’ve enjoyed following this account for its great Ramadan meal ideas as well as general Ramadan-related information. Highly recommended!


We hope this was helpful. Please comment below or email us at if you would like to share your own healthy Ramadan with us and the rest of the FitNut Community.


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