Friday Favourite Five: Staying On Track!

Happy weekend Fitnuts!

In this week’s Friday Favorite Five, we’ve included articles we thought were interesting for you to understand your bodies a little better and help you stick to your FitNut goals this year!

  1. Nourishment of the Year by for the latest in nutrition trends (and a few recipes!)
  1. Top 6 Inflammatory Foods and How to Detox from Them If you were to limit, or even better, eliminate, just 6 products from your diet, those should be it!
  1. Why Women Need a New Approach to Sports Nutrition Ladies, listen to your bodies and understand what it needs at specific periods of your cycle
  1. The complete Guide to Yoga

Does one of your New Year’s resolution include starting yoga or perhaps improving your practice? This guide, by Tara Stiles “yoga rebel” and Mike Taylor, founders of Strala, give you everything you need for yoga at home. The guide is perfect for all levels and includes the following modules:

  • Sitting poses
  • Standing poses
  • Backbends
  • Arm balances
  • Inversions
  • Restorative poses
  • Yoga sequences
  • Hour-long classes
  1. Alexandra Jamieson’s Craving Type Quiz  

Once you’ve answered all the questions, Alexandra will send you a free report revealing your type and how you can use it in your favor for greater health! What have you got to lose?! Go on, give it a go!

  1. Detox diary: should you try an elimination diet? by

I’ve personally tried going on an elimination diet. Actually, for the past couple of years, I’ve often felt bloated but it did not alarm me in any way. I thought, Ok I had some beans or a bit of bread, it happens. However, at the beginning of 2014, I found I was CONSTANTLY bloated. Every time I ate something, however small or light the meal, I felt like I had ingested a whole cow. It was hard to breath and I was constantly tired. Moreover, I started noticing acne scars on my cheeks (I never had acne growing up) and by end of January-beginning February I had acne!!!

To put things into context:

1)      I was planning my wedding – STRESS

2)      I was on my honeymoon – MAJORLY INDULGED

So I thought again, Ok this happens, I just have to clean up my diet, and all will go back to normal. I also took a hormonal test but nothing wrong there.

I tried out Simple Green Smoothies 21-day Cleanse. Three days into it and I was feeling lighter already. It was a bit hard to stick to it for too long though with all the welcome back diners we had to attend. And it all started again. Even though, I ate pretty clean.

By October (yes it took me that long) I had given up and thought I needed to take an allergy/sensitivity test. Turns out stress accompanied by a few food sensitivities were the culprit. The doctor recommended I went on an elimination diet for three months. After that, I could start reintroducing the foods back in my diet. If I felt that the foods still didn’t suit me then it would be better to completely eliminate them. The foods were listed in three groups:

  1. Foods I’m highy sensitive to that I should completely eliminate for the next 3 months
  2. Foods with mild sensitivity that I can include in my diet no more than once a week
  3. Foods I am not sensitive to at all


Foods I ate all the time and were included in the first two categories included salmon, tuna, chicken, lentils, banana, pineapple, etc so it made sense to me.

I followed this elimination diet for 3 weeks and saw improvements. I was less bloated every day and my skin started clearing out. However soon after, cravings kicked in (probably because I was getting less protein, beans and other foods that usually kept me full and satisfied), I traveled a couple of times and found it hard to resist other foods, and it all started again (oops!).

One of my New Year’s resolution is to stick to the elimination diet for 3 months! It has been a week now, let’s see how it goes.


Let us know your views on the above!

Sarah x

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